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  • Writer's pictureEPIC FAB GIRL

88: Navigating Refinement & Difficulty in Business w/ Erica Ortiz

If you think that scaling to six-figures needs to take a number of years and lots of training to reach, today’s guest proves that isn’t the case. As a self-taught designer, our guest scaled to the six-figure mark in only 10 months through following the Lord’s guidance, never being afraid to reach out to people and hiring others into her agency when the Lord told her she was ready. Despite this, she still had to go through a period of refinement when God took everything away from her as she hadn’t been consulting Him in her big decisions.

Our guest today is the incredible Erica Ortiz, rebrand strategist, brand designer and the owner of Her Timeless Brand, a creative agency that specializes in strategic rebranding. Their goal is to help businesses increase their visual value through modern and impactful design, by creating timeless brands for women of faith who want to elevate their visual presence and give their audience a luxury experience. Erica has two toddlers and by scaling her business to six figures in 10 months, she retired her husband and mother and bought her first home at 25 years old.

In this episode, we’re talking about:

  • Erica’s business journey and why she refined her business to only working with faith-based entrepreneurs

  • How Erica lost everything in her life and business when she didn’t consult the Lord

  • Erica’s pricing for a 6-figure year and why her pricing is a little lower than you’d expect it to be

  • Scaling up her team and why Erica takes God’s guidance on who to hire

Episode Breakdown

[01:09] Introducing today’s guest speaker, Erica and how she got started running Her Timeless Brand

[04:57] How Erica got her first client

[09:25] Why figuring out her pricing led to introducing the Lord into her business

[16:49] Erica’s journey of losing it all and her season of refinement

[22:10] What Erica sold in her first 6-figure year

[27:26] Why Erica keeps her prices lower than you’d expect

[30:05] Erica’s team and her experience with hiring

[34:59] The three things Erica thinks you need to scale to 6-figures

[38:04] What Erica would tell the woman afraid of going after her next big thing

[39:32] Connecting with Erica after the episode

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